Treasury Practice

Question Answered: Digitisation dominates as India’s treasurers’ tool up

Published: Jan 2025

“What are the key trends shaping treasury in India?”

Indian rupee symbol with India map and charts in the background
Nishith Agarwal, Vice President – Treasury, Insurance & Credit Control, Tata Communications

Nishith Agarwal

Vice President – Treasury, Insurance & Credit Control
Tata Communications

There are multiple challenges operating a complex centralised treasury with a lean team for the scale of our operations. Alongside operating across multiple time zones, we also face challenges navigating and keeping abreast of the changing regulatory environment in the jurisdictions that we operate.

Much of the recent innovation at Tata has come via automation. It spans the adoption of cross border cash concentration and pooling structures which enable a single view of liquidity and efficient cash utilisation to implementing treasury management software which has enabled the automation of our day-to-day operations so that the team can focus on more strategic aspects of treasury rather than transaction management. For example, we have automated cash forecasting, the recording of banking and loan transactions, and FX derivative management.

Treasury now plays a critical role in driving the company’s overall financial strategy and decision-making as a key advisor to the C-suite. Last year we adopted a sustainability linked borrowing framework to align all future long-term debt financing with our environmental commitments. The cost of borrowing in this facility is now tied to specific carbon emission reduction targets and continuous improvement in our sustainability performance. I would like to see a big increase in adoption of sustainability linked borrowings amongst Indian corporates.

We have launched a RFP for a Global Cash Management Solution that will take a fresh look at the way we manage our cash, including integrating new technology in blockchain and cash applications.

For example, we want to establish a single sign-on for multiple banking platforms and payment processing through secure API connectivity and implement a notional cash pool to effectively manage and utilise our cash and banking limits. We are also exploring how to optimise our costs and ease the pain of complex KYC requirements by leveraging virtual bank accounts for various entities, and other technology solutions.

On the strategic front, we are working to ensure the company’s holding structures give treasury the optimum operating leverage and are fit for future growth.

Today, the most obvious treasury trend in India is technology adoption. There is a great deal of buzz around modernisation through adoption and implementation of treasury management software. As an increasing number of Indian companies “go global” and harbour global ambitions, this is becoming a high priority for treasurers.

In a trend that is driven by softer regulation and the increasing availability of global capital for Indian issuers, more Indian names are debuting in the US dollar bond market. Borrowers are also tapping funding from Export Credit Agencies which is giving Indian corporates access to competitive and long-term financing.

India’s corporates face volatile financial markets and geopolitical uncertainties. Given Tata’s ambitious growth plan, my job is to provide certainty and insulate the P&L from financial market volatilities. Uncertainty and volatility are already changing the way our customers contract with us, visible in customers demanding local currency billing and challenging pricing, for example.

Moreover, we find some of the countries we operate in are facing increasing foreign exchange shortages, amplified by the challenge of getting money out of certain jurisdictions. Furthermore, supply chain disruptions linked to geopolitical events threaten to delay the overall delivery revenue realisation cycle. We are partnering with the business and working with our customers to find solutions to work around these risks. It involves taking a hard stand on some decisions, and this is one of the biggest challenges we face.

Treasury at Tata Communications is focused on scenario planning and constantly enhancing risk management frameworks. We are focused on insulating the business from disruptions like cyber threats or any restricted access to our assets given geopolitical scenarios. We have also prioritised working with our insurers. Treasury at Tata Communications will continue to evolve every day in response to macroeconomic shifts, technological advancements and increasing strategic demands. Creating an agile strategy that can foresee these changes and adapt ahead is key to staying relevant. Our treasury function will evolve to ensure that we maintain the role of key strategic advisor and enabler for the business.

Manoj Dugar

Co-Head of Global Payments Solutions, Asia Pacific

India is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world and is forecast to reach US$30trn GDP by 2047. While businesses in India are excited about the country’s growth prospects, they also ought to be cognisant of the challenges they need to overcome in its pursuit for growth. Indian MNCs are rapidly expanding overseas, both organically and inorganically. The increased treasury complexity makes risk management strategies an area where one needs to be most nimble, while operating within the domain of well thought out policies around currency and interest rates, visibility, liquidity optimisation, counterparty limits and always-on connectivity options.

Aligning the capital structure of a business with its growth trajectory in a “cash-trap” country like India clearly reflects the long-term strategic thinking of its treasury team. Specifically, for MNCs in India, treasurers ought to explore increasing flexibility around parental debt options to avoid a cash trap situation in which some MNCs are grappling with presently. Intercompany cash pools, dynamic discounting and innovating in cash repatriation options are some of the measures that a smart treasurer can explore to maximise cash surplus.

Treasury processes around receivables, payables and reconciliation can have a large bearing on customer experience, which has an outsize impact on the success of the business itself. The rise of real-time payments and the growing scale of Digital Public Infrastructure initiatives such as Aadhar, eKYC, the account aggregation framework and ONDC have created myriad opportunities for corporates to review their business models. It is important for treasury to operate as an integrated service provider and support business functions in driving growth.

Fraud and cyber security threats are significant risks for corporate treasurers. In India, we are increasingly seeing treasuries enforcing clear separation of duties among treasury staff. Robust plans are being put in place by corporate treasury departments to respond to fraud or cybersecurity incidents.

Optimising compliance processes and costs are important but high-impact items for most treasurers. The regulatory environment in India is constantly changing, especially in the areas of cross-border payments, privacy and data-security regulations. Treasurers need to ensure that their setups are fluid enough to take care of this without impacting business. The importance of getting it right in terms of process and record keeping cannot be overstated given the focus of the regulator on compliance.

There will always be challenges on the path to growth. What we have mentioned above aims to add a perspective to the range of considerations that corporate treasurers in India need to balance. How well they can do it would depend on clarity of thought on organisational priorities, strength of systems, process and, perhaps most important, availability of resources.

Sanjay Rohit, Sr. General Manager – Finance, APAR Industries Limited

Sanjay Rohit

Sr. General Manager – Finance
APAR Industries Limited

Until recently, the main role of treasury at a typical Indian corporate was to manage cash and fund management, and ensure the liquidity, profitability as well as the solvency of the business. Now with the growth in global trade and the advancement of technology, treasurers are going beyond these basic objectives to focus more on technological implementation in treasury to ensure seamless processes to meet the requirements of the business. This spans LCs to bank guarantees, foreign exchange management and supply chain finance products like factoring, reverse factoring, supplier’s credit and buyer’s credit. At APAR we have integrated technology in all these areas in our treasury to meet the growing business requirements.

Further, sustainability and digitalisation are also gaining traction in treasury. More of our customers want to work with an ESG compliant organisation. In time to come, ESG compliant organisations could benefit from trade flows and at APAR we are more and more focussed towards digitalisation of processes and sustainability in our operation.

India and Indian companies including APAR are increasingly exposed to international markets, creating risks to navigate that include currency risk, interest rate risk, credit risk, transit risk, logistic risk and political risk. Geopolitical tension across the globe is mounting, visible in unrest in the Middle East, Russia Ukraine war, Taiwan China tension and political turmoil in Bangladesh. The threat of tariffs is dragging the globe towards a more protectionist economy. This will hurt global trade in the long run and add to inflationary pressure in various economies because they depend on global supplies.

Treasury at APAR is most focussed towards end-to-end digitisation of various processes that includes the treasury function. This will help us to assess real time information in terms of bank finance and the company’s operation.

Next question:

“What does 2025 mean for global trade?”

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