Insight & Analysis

Women in Treasury Global Study 2021

Published: May 2021

Treasury Today Group’s ground breaking Women in Treasury initiative continues to challenge the status quo. Treasury Today Group’s annual Women in Treasury Global Study is open once again to all genders to map the progress of gender equality in our industry. Our annual data set looks at the experiences of women in the industry and the observations of allies to the gender equality cause. It is only by mapping this data that we can get a sense of progress and assess the ongoing issues.

Lots of multi-coloured wooden people

We would like to invite all genders to take part in this year’s integral research into gender equality in corporate finance. Our Women in Treasury Global Study 2021 is proudly supported by State Street Global Advisors. Our annual industry study enables us to explore the current trends and topics affecting women and non-binary people in treasury worldwide and to find out how organisations across the globe are responding to the challenges of diversity, inclusion and equality. We welcome your participation.

While progress around diversity is slow, it is happening. Numerous studies show diverse workforces, teams and boards positively impact corporate performance. We must all take a vested interest in not only gender diversity but also racial and ethnic diversity while learning how to be inclusive of different ways of thinking.

Kim Hochfeld, Senior Managing Director, Global Head of Cash Business, State Street Global Advisors

With your help in sharing your views and experiences, we will continue to push the world of corporate treasury forward. Your ongoing participation in this study, which is at the heart of our Women in Treasury initiative, is helping us build a clear picture of the careers of women and non-binary people across the industry, while tackling issues such as:

  • Gender equality.
  • Parenting.
  • Career progression.
  • Building talented teams.

All participants will receive an exclusive report on the full 2021 study findings once published in September.

The first Women in Treasury Forum will take place on Thursday 17th June, the EMEA Forum will take place in October and the North America Forum in November. Everybodywho is interested in attending or supporting our Forums can contact [email protected]

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