Insight & Analysis

Press release: BNP Paribas to launch Virtual Account Management platform

Published: Feb 2020

26th February 2020 – BNP Paribas is scheduled to launch its Virtual Account Management platform with pilot corporates in July 2020.

Newspaper press release

While the bank already has a Virtual Account solution that is live in the form of IBAN references to support smart funds allocation and funds segregation, it is going a step further by offering a dedicated module to fully unleash the benefits of Virtual Solutions, thereby supporting outgoing flows.

BNP Paribas believes that its Virtual Account Management platform can bring immense value to corporates by helping them smoothly integrate virtual accounts within their payment factory and in-house bank module. This will help boost their level of centralisation by managing the transactions of their affiliates centrally, with easy and smooth identification of the flows.

Since the need for centralisation is the cornerstone of transformation projects, the BNP Paribas Virtual Accounts Management platform will enable its technical implementation directly within the corporates’ existing – sometimes complex – technical architecture. This is a key advantage of this platform as it would obviate the necessity for heavy system changes that often require external implementation support.

To find out more about BNP Paribas’ Virtual Account solutions and how corporate treasury teams can benefit from them, please contact the Payments and Collections team at BNP Paribas at [email protected]

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