12th September 2022 – FutureFit, VERMEG’s regulatory reporting conference and the largest specialising in prudential and finance reporting, will showcase AGILE, the company’s cloud-based digital regulatory reporting system on 28th September. The solution now benefits from VERMEG’s substantial expertise in digital solutions and brings opportunities to banks and other financial institutions to substantially improve reporting automation. Moving to a cloud-based workflow enables greater sophistication and audited senior management engagement and approval, which was otherwise not so easily achievable.
Register to attend the FutureFit conference: https://www.vermeg.com/event/futurefit-2022-regulatory-conference/?utm_source=press_release
FutureFit, the UK’s leading regulatory reporting conference, offers presentations from relevant partners and expert advice and solutions on key regulatory reporting challenges. In addition, the conference informs about UK onshoring from EU, the advantages of digitising compliance and reporting processes in the cloud, key ESG data gathering and reporting challenges, crypto asset risks for reporting firms and the reporting impact, and the reinvention of how regulatory reporting is done – including the UK regulator’s Transforming Data Collection joint transformation program. This essential event from VERMEG is a must-do on the regulatory reporting calendar.
VERMEG’s Regulatory Reporting Strategy Advisor James Phillips, a 25-year veteran, says: “Just don’t miss it! FutureFit is the major event of the year. Into just one day we have created end to end content for firms looking to optimise their regulatory reporting process for the future with a secure, performant, flexible, scalable solution.
Malcolm Arnold, Head of Regulatory Product, VERMEG, says: “VERMEG has outstanding expertise in digital solutions, and this deployment brings AGILE, our cloud-based regulatory reporting solution to the forefront, with an array of powerful functions, and builds substantially on the solution experience. We have created a solution which every firm looking seriously at regulatory reporting should carefully review”.