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Press Release: New science-based platform solves mental health in the corporate workplace

Published: Jun 2020

8th June 2019 – Award-winning former NHS psychiatrist with successful track-record in the City and among high-profile clients, launches new one-stop-shop resilience platform for large businesses, using preventive approach backed by leading academics in neuroscience, computing and psychiatry.

Newspaper press release

Helix Resilience today launches its unique, science-based platform, using an entirely new preventive approach to the improvement of employee resilience, reducing the £45 billion annual cost of poor mental health and “presenteeism” in the workplace.

The company and its platform are the brainchild of renowned psychiatrist Dr Stephen Pereira, who through his work in the NHS and in private practice, has helped and treated clients from all backgrounds.

Helix Resilience is unique, providing all employees fast, 24/7 access to a neuroscience-based one-stop-shop for personal wellbeing and resilience. Its comprehensive whole-system approach builds and sustains resilience in large organisations through bespoke social, psychological and physical interventions, covering everyone from C-suite leaders to the most junior employees.

World-class science and innovation drive the entire Helix approach. A Scientific Advisory Board of highly respected academics and senior practising clinicians in neuroscience, psychiatry and computing provides access to cutting-edge advances, provides guidance and safeguards the integrity of its techniques. The company is also collaborating with Oxford University on sleep research and with University College London on the application of Artificial Intelligence.

The advisory board includes:

  • Kamaldeep Bhul, Professor and Deputy Director of the Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine at Barts, London
  • Jon Simons, Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at Cambridge University
  • Philip Treleaven, Professor of Computing at University College, London
  • Russell Foster, Professor of Circadian Neuroscience at Oxford University, Head of the Nuffield Laboratory of Ophthalmology and the Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute

Dr Pereira, founder and CEO of Helix Resilience, created the new platform following the success of his original Helix Optimal Leadership Resilience Programme, the world’s leading C-suite wellbeing and resilience programme. This was successfully delivered by Dr Pereira and his team to more than 1,000 leaders in the City of London over four years.

Dr Pereira has won nine national awards including UK Psychiatrist of the Year and many clinical excellence awards.

His track record includes:

  • Establishing (in 1996) a charity which has revolutionised care and treatment for Mental illness in the NHS. The organisation has now trained more than 15,000 multi-disciplinary clinicians in the UK.
  • Writing the National Minimal Standards for Psychiatric Intensive Care for the Department of Health in the UK, which have had highly significant impact on treatment
  • Being widely published in research, articles, books and establishing a specialist scientific journal in mental health which is read worldwide

As one high-profile broadcaster who overcame insomnia after seeking help from Dr Pereira said: “The medical help I received saved my bacon. If you have fallen into unhelpful patterns of thinking, it takes a considerable amount of work to correct them. I was lucky enough to be treated by one of the country’s most outstanding psychiatrists, Dr Stephen Pereira.”

Dr Pereira said: “After years in the NHS and working in private practice working with top business leaders, I wanted to broaden the number of people who benefit from a preventive, neuroscience-based approach.

“Employee mental wellbeing and resilience has become a major problem, which conventional techniques fail to improve. Through our tools we are able to empower executives and leadership teams to maximise workforce resilience and improve employee engagement.”

Helix Resilience mentally strengthens an entire organisation, by combining science with advanced digital technology including gamification, chatbot technology and the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning. It is designed to help tackle the cost of presenteeism in which employees are unable to work at full capacity because of underlying health problems.

It is available as:

  • Helix Executive resilience programme for C-suite managers, the Optimal Leadership Resilience Programme, is available in person or via digital medium
  • Helix Senior Managers resilience digital programme, available to thousands of managers
  • Helix Workforce resilience programme for employees

Addressing all aspects of a person’s life, Helix Resilience offers each employee a customisable programme of interventions to build and maintain resilience and mental wellbeing. Available on desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone, the platform covers all aspects of wellbeing – from nutrition and sleep to cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), yoga and mindfulness. It positively changes an individual’s thought, behaviour, emotional wellbeing and attitudes.

Using animation and gamification techniques where appropriate, Helix Resilience provides a range of highly engaging, evidence-backed guidance, resources and therapies to head off stress, anxiety, depression and other conditions that if left unchecked, seriously affect an employee’s life and work.

To find out more about Helix Resilience and what it can do for employee wellbeing and resilience in your organisation, go to:

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