Insight & Analysis

Press release: APAs and ARMs launch new trade association (APARMA)

Published: Jun 2022

27th May 2022 – Six of the industry’s leading Approved Publication Arrangements (APAs) and Approved Reporting Mechanisms (ARMs) today announced the launch of the APAs and ARMs Association (APARMA). Affiliates of Bloomberg, Cboe Europe, Euronext, London Stock Exchange, MarketAxess and Tradeweb Markets have founded APARMA to represent the interests of companies who operate APAs and ARMs in the EU and UK. Established under MiFID II, APAs make public post trade transparency reports in financial instruments that have been traded off venue, while ARMs report details o f transactions to regulators on behalf of investment firms.

Newspaper press release

APARMA has been set up to represent the views of its members in relation to regulations and laws impacting APA and ARM businesses and the associated supervisory framework and to promote dialogue with policymakers and regulators. With the rules governing trade and transaction reporting under frequent review and scrutiny, t he association will also focus on developing and supporting the adoption of best p ractice with the common aim of improving industry data quality , transparency and the auditability of transactions in both the EU and UK. As laws for the two financial markets continue to develop post Brexit, it i s increasingly important to bridge the dialogue between regulators and policymakers to facilitate common solutions for global market participants accessing both markets.

Chris Smith, Head of Post Trade Services at MarketAxess and first Chairperson of APARMA, said, “As EU and UK policymakers move to enhance data quality and transparency across financial markets, it’s important that the voices of APA and ARM operators – whose activities are critical to the achievement of policy goals – are heard. APARMA will ensure just that. We’re excited about having a new forum within which we can build a better industry dialogue, share best practice and collectively improve the quality of our data and data services.”

“I look forward to representing the views and interests of existing and new APARMA members each of which operate and run an important part of financial market infrastructure and who, to-date, have been underrepresented in important industry and regulatory circles,” said David Bullen, Secretary General, APARMA.

Membership of APARMA is open to all market participants that meet the established membership eligibility criteria. The activities of the association are governed by members of APARMA’s Executive Committee, who are elected by the general membership and are responsible for the executive management of the association. For more information, including membership enquiries, please email [email protected] or visit

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