At Treasury Today Group we share our collective lessons learnt from the last seven months as much of Europe begins to close down for the second time.

- Stay aware of how you are feeling and what you need as an individual.
- Try to create a space that is separate from your living environment, even if that means tidying up every evening and moving things away.
- Take walks, listen to podcasts, escape to the bath – whatever you need to find psychological space in a winter shutdown. Try to get out into nature as much as you can.
- Decide what is good enough and leave it there. Agonising and working all hours taking no breaks and no holidays isn’t good for anyone or any business long term.
- Stay connected with your team but learn when to say no to a video call if you can’t face it. Make things work for you.
- In more challenging moments and, in general, look up wise words from fabulous mental health gurus such as Wim Hof or Matt Haig. Haig, the author of Reasons to Stay Alive, amongst others, offers sound words of encouragement and guidance via his Instagram @matthaig/Twitter @matthaig1
- Remember that everyone is struggling with this moment and don’t be afraid to share your struggles with bosses/colleagues. This year has been a moment to be bold in being vulnerable.
- Try to structure your day so that the weekdays don’t blur into the weekends, with something to look forward to each week.
- Stay connected with your communities, personal, professional and local.
- Let us know if there are any resources that we can provide you with during this time to help you at work – we want to ensure that we do all we can to support our fantastic global community.