Photo of Lay Perk Toh, Kulicke & Soffa Pte Ltd and Sophie Jackson.
Lay Perk Toh is a highly dedicated professional with wide ranging treasury experience gained over a fantastic career spanning 20 years. She is greatly admired as a dynamic team leader by colleagues.
Lay Perk Toh
Corporate Treasurer, Kulicke & Soffa Pte Ltd

Lay Perk is a fine example of a truly dedicated and self-motivated finance professional. With almost 20 years of broad experience in finance, she has worked in Singapore, USA, UEA, China, India and Mexico for both multinationals and financial firms.
Lay Perk has held various positions with increasing responsibilities including treasury, enterprise risk management, corporate finance and audit. She is recognised for her fantastic ability to contribute and transform ideas into actions and drive changes for continuous improvements, enhance efficiency and produce cost saving.
As a professional, Lay Perk prides herself on being result-oriented and having wide experience in managing projects, system implementation, and merger and acquisitions activities. She has an uncanny ability to take on new challenges and adapt to a changing market environment. Her excellent interpersonal and communication skills are epitomised in her multilingual capabilities. Fluent in five languages, she collaborates well with people of diverse nationalities and cultural backgrounds.
Testament to her aforementioned strengths in communication, Lay Perk is also admired as a dynamic team leader who is able to bring energy and enthusiasm to motivate team members to achieve organisation objectives and deliver results. In her current company, Kulicke & Soffa, Lay Perk was promoted to Corporate Assistant Treasurer in September 2016 and then in May 2018 was promoted again to Corporate Treasurer. In her current role she reports directly to the Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, showing the critical importance the role embodies for the corporation.
Throughout the course of her fantastic career, Lay Perk has received many awards and accolades. Foremost amongst them are commendations from the Audit Committee Members (AC), Chief Executive Officer, and Senior Vice President and General Counsel. She is frequently praised for her ability to articulate well and to address all the queries and concerns of the AC. She has been awarded for ‘Going the Extra Mile’ by her business’ General Manager and Legal Counsel. She is also a member of the Client Advisory Board for a leading financial institution.
Winning this prestigious award is a great honour and it is a significant milestone in my life. I hope my experience will inspire others, especially the young, to embrace challenges and continue to pursue greater achievements in life.
– Lay Perk Toh
Lay Perk is passionate about supporting and engaging with the broader treasury community and to that end has spoken at various industry events and conferences around her expertise on pertinent treasury topics. Beyond supporting the treasury community of which she is a respected member, Lay Perk also believes vehemently in giving back to the larger community that she belongs to. She has given motivational speeches to schoolchildren. She attributes this philanthropic trait to growing up in a family with a strong emphasis on family values and a firm belief in giving back to the community. Since her early years she has always been taught to be thankful for what she has and who she is and to never forget about her community. These are principles that she instils in her son, whom she regularly brings along on various community volunteering engagements.
Educating and inspiring the younger generation on the value of giving back to community is something that Lay Perk abides by. Amongst her many extracurricular volunteer engagements are food donation on a regular basis, working with local childrens’ homes on donations or whatever needs they may have and volunteering at the temple and community hospitals.
This thread of inspiring the next generation has seen Lay Perk give motivational speeches on her own journey. A journey that saw her sadly rendered blind after a road traffic accident during her mid-20s and after a turbulent and difficult time, how she set out on her road to recovery. She credits the accident with having changed her perspective on life in general. For students to hear how adversity can be overcome and to see an example of a thriving treasury professional has undoubtedly inspired many, as she encourages the younger generation to be confident, to dare to dream big and to never stop pursuing their dreams.
Lestor Wong, interim CFO at Kulicke & Soffa says the following of Lay Perk, “Lay Perk is a dedicated strategic creative treasury professional who consistently delivers results beyond expectations. Her effort and achievements have been recognised positively by her managers (including myself) as well as other senior executives and even board members at the company. She is a caring mentoring manager who tries to provide guidance and support to her team. She is hands on, but does not micromanage. She is transparent and collaborates well with her peers and has earned the respect and trust of her managers. She is an outstanding example of what any treasurer should be.”