Insight & Analysis

Great talent deserves recognition

Published: Feb 2019

If you recognise true treasury talent in your junior team, it’s time to celebrate it. Nominations are now open for the Treasury Today Adam Smith Awards 2019 Rising Star.

Is there someone in your team who, whilst still learning their craft, has something extra to offer? An exceptional individual who you know will go far?

Treasury Today’s Adam Smith Awards is all about saluting the best of the best. As part of this year’s celebration, we want you, as senior treasurers, to nominate a junior team member who you believe has the hallmark of a Rising Star.

The treasury profession has a great future. By shining a spotlight on the up and coming talent that will assure this, you will not only be paying tribute to tomorrow’s leaders but also helping them to realise that what they do really is exceptional.

To nominate your ‘Rising Star 2019’, write to us at [email protected], detailing in no more than 200 words why you think they should be the winner.

This year’s Rising Star will be invited to receive their well-deserved award at the prestigious Adam Smith Awards Gala Presentation Lunch, held at Plaisterers’ Hall in the City of London on Thursday 20th June.

Are you ready to recognise talent in your team?

Nominate now

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