20th September 2019 – Open Banking Europe formalizes today the creation of a PSD2 QTSP Engagement group started 9 months ago, with the objective to meet monthly to discuss and advise on practical topics related to using eIDAS for PSD2 Access to Account services.
The QTSPs are the Digital certificate issuers used for PSD2 identification, and they are regulated under the eIDAS directive. There is a strong need to raise awareness among the financial community, about qualified certificates, qualified certificate issuing and qualified certificate usage and who is actually issuing these certificates, and so the initiative gives the relevant QTSPs visibility.
Through the QTSPs group, OBE aims to help the QTSPs address common issues, to provide key information and to find practical solutions to topics related to eIDAS certificate in order to help the financial world meet electronic security requirements.
“I very much welcome OBE formalising a group to work with QTSPs on PSD2. The expected use of certificates in the financial regulatory world is as bewildering to the QTSP community as the digital certificate issuing world is to the payments professionals. OBE is doing an excellent job at bridging the gap.” said Nick Pope – vice chair ETSI technical committee on electronic signatures and infrastructures.
“We have always organised regular meetings with QTSPs but the launch of the QTSPs engagement group comes from a request of our stakeholders to find practical solutions to different topics related to eIDAS certificate that still creates a lot of confusion. I am confident that this will encourage the exchange and a mutual support to clarify some common issues related to PSD2 XS2A identification of parties.” said John Broxis, Managing Director of PRETA/Open Banking Europe.
Being always attentive to the QTSPs ecosystem, OBE has collaborated with ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards lnstitute since the beginning for the development of the eIDAS standards and agreed on a MOU to promote the awareness of relevant standards, practices and legislations for their different stakeholder communities.
The full list of Qualified Trust Service Providers members that have joined the initiative so far is the following:
- Aruba PEC S.p.A – Actalis S.p.A
- Buypass AS
- Harica
- InfoCert S.p.A.
- MULTICERT – Serviços de Certificação Electrónica S.A.
- První certifikační autorita – ICA
- QuoVadis Trustlink B.V.